There is nothing like a cold and chilled muhallebi after a good and happy meal.
I like to make my muhallebi big and central,
One that everyone will eat together,
One that’ll give everyone the opportunity to eat the part they like the most.
There are those who like the corners of the muhallebi,
And there are those who love the muhallebi center,
There are those who love only its insides,
And there are the upper part lovers.
Everyone will choose their favorite part,
And everyone will smile the biggest and purest smile there is.
The sweetness will be balanced,
The heart will be happy,
The family will enjoy every bite,
The chillness and lightness will spoil everyone,
And the celebration will be big and delicious 🙂
This muhallebi is genius.
Beyond the fun of eating it,
It can also be prepared in many versions –
On coconut cream basis,
On non-dairy cream or dairy cream basis,
Or on the basis of any non-dairy milk you like 🙂
You just have to choose the base of your muhallebi,
And prepare a pampering and stunning dessert that suits everyone, in ten minutes 🙂
Go and have a look at the recipe and close the dessert menu for this happy day 🙂
Happy Independence Day, full of choices, peace and delicious and wonderful food 🙂
Genius Muhallebi
Ingredients: suitable for 6 hedonistic diners, I recommend putting the mixture in 2 central bowls
For the muhallebi:
- 1 liter coconut cream (for alternatives, have a look at “A little extra from me”)
- 1 cup water
- ½ cup sugar
- ¾ cup corn flour
- 1 teaspoon rose water (not a must)
For the toppings: Anything you choose and in the amount you choose – coconut powder / roasted pistachios / roasted peanuts / pecans
For flavoring: You can use a store-bought sauce or use my fruit-jam trick
The fruit-Jam trick: Choose a fruit-jam that you like, dilute it with a tablespoon of boiling water until you get a slightly liquid texture like muhallebi sauce. I recommend chilling the jam a little after mixing. Pour it over the chilled muhallebi, add the toppings and serve with a smile 🙂
- Put all the ingredients of the muhallebi into the pot except the rose water, the coconut cream, the water, the sugar and the corn flour and mix well until all the corn flour is assimilated into our muhallebi mixture.
- Put the pot on medium heat.
- Boil the contents of the pot and stir continuously with a whisk. It’s very important that the fire be low-medium, so that the mixture doesn’t burn. The thickness of the liquid will increase during cooking and within 6-10 minutes we’ll get a thick and smooth liquid.
- Immediately after cooking the muhallebi, add the rose water and stir the mixture.
- Transfer the batter to the serving bowls, if you choose to make the muhallebi in individual cups, transfer it to individual cups. Wrap the bowls / cups in cling film and put the Melbi in the fridge, I recommend a minimum of two hours.
Take the muhallebi out of the fridge after cooling, sprinkle it with toppings and syrup and serve with a huge smile 🙂
A little extra from me:
- The muhallebi can be kept in the fridge in a sealed container for up to 4 days.
- You can prepare the muhallebi a day or two in advance and store in the refrigerator.
- You can substitute the coconut cream for non-dairy cream / sweet cream / regular milk / any non-dairy milk of your choice. If you choose to use non-dairy milk, know that the muhallebi won’t turn out as creamy as when using the coconut cream.
- It’s important to add the rose water to the muhallebi mixture after cooking, because cooking the rose water will cause it to evaporate and its flavor to disappear from the muhallebi.
- It’s very important to incorporate the corn flour into the liquid mixture when it’s cold. Make sure to mix the mixture well before placing the pot on the flame, this action will prevent lumps in the mixture.
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